Free Goldbaby MPC60vsMDvsRytm Sample Pack

Goldbaby MPC60vsMDvsRytm

This free sample pack was created in the Goldbaby studio using sounds made on the Elektron Machine Drum and Rytm, then sampled into a trusty MPC60.

Contents: 165 x 24-bit WAV oneshot samples

Download size: 47 MB

Goldbaby is the owner and master licensee of MPC60vsMDvsRytm. Downloading this sample pack gives you the perpetual, non-exclusive right to incorporate the samples in any musical production. No further licence is needed.
However you may not re-distribute this sample pack, either in native format or reformatted for use as samples, multi-samples, programs or patches in a sampler, sample playback unit or website.


  1. Click the button below to visit the Goldbaby website. 
  2. Click the ‘Click to download’ link on the page.
  3. The free sample pack download should start immediately. No registration needed!