Simply complete the boxes below to submit a website for inclusion on



  • Links must be to a website’s individual article/page hosting the file – not direct to the download, bypassing the site it originates from. This is disrespectful to the site owners/sample creators.


  • NO ILLEGAL CONTENT! If you aren’t sure if its legal, its probably not! Please do not waste your time and ours by submitting illegal and pirated content, they will NOT be accepted and made live.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    It would help if an image was supplied, 1200px x 630px ( Suitable for Facebook Opengraph ) - however this is not necessary.
  • Website Address - MUST NOT be a home page. MUST link to page containing the sample pack. NO direct file download links. Submissions not adhering to this will not be accepted